Religion is a touchy subject, especially when you're around the wrong people. Some people have it force fed to them when they are young, and some see it as an alternative to a bad lifestyle. For me, it was the former. I guess in the course of life, we all have our unanswered questions, and yet, who do we direct them to? Could their possibly be a higher being?
I'd say within the last 2 years I became an atheist of sorts. I phrase it like that because I choose not to believe in a god, but I also haven't properly explored religions beyond Christianity. Am I going to burn up in hell when I die for refusing Jesus Christ as my personal savior? I guess that's for ignorance to decide. I choose not to think about what will happen after I die, not because I'm scared or confused, but because I just can't think of things getting much better or worse after we die (i.e. heaven or hell).
What made me start thinking this way? Well, I'm kind of a young guy, and around this time of the average person's life, it's probably considered normal to question the existence of a god. While this is true, it is not the main factor, obviously. You get to thinking about the danger that religion can bring to this world: holy wars, aggression, ignorance, the fucking hippies, overzealous fools blinded by their own teachings, etc. Mostly, it's the violence. The war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on bullshit; it all translates back to the Christian right that this bigot country was founded upon. Don't call me a good patriot, don't call me a bad person. These are all just my feelings.
But for others, religion can bring joy to people, especially in this country. Some people often find it difficult to make it through the day, and it is possible that religion is what keeps them here. People find safety in religion. This is the positive side that I'm sure most of us could agree on. My parents are, always have been, and always will be catholic. My dad prays with his rosary almost every time he enters his car, just so he can have a safe trip to wherever he goes. My parents believe that god puts you on this earth, but it is on you to take care of what you need to accomplish.
Hell, even once in a while I'll go to church with my parents. No, my flesh is not set ablaze as soon as I enter the church, but it does feel a bit weird. Why do I ever go to church? To make my parents happy, of course! Church is another way (for some people) to bring families together. It gives people the opportunity of communication with one another, something that this world lacks more and more. For some people, it brings a smile to their face. And in the end, isn't that what we all eventually want?
I see the pro's and con's of religion. It can obviously tie into various political topics I feel strong about, whether it's the fact I'm pro-choice or for gay marriage. People will never completely see eye to eye, and that's what religion eats away at. Religion just gives us another reason to fight. My god is better than your god!
I don't have faith in a god, but I do believe in certain things. I believe that the love of others can help me get through the day. I believe that making someone laugh or smile is doing some good for this world. People need to be more happy, as cliche as that sounds.
Basically, as I just said, I think people need to believe in something. Whether it is a god, several gods, love, trust, bullshit, etc. No matter how adamant a person is about atheism, they have to believe in something, right? Most times, they believe in Darwinism! There's something. I respect any of your beliefs. I may strongly disagree, but I respect them. I love the way I choose to see life, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.
The Earth Will Shake.
Unseen Terror 2024: Post-Mortem Thoughts & Rejects
4 months ago
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